Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

What am I tackling today? Well, besides two children and a husband (just kidding you guys!), I've got a whole list of other things to accomplish today. It's funny(not really), I had an ongoing list since last week. I just keep adding to it and marking off. Will my list ever be completed? Will I ever look at it and think, "wow, I have nothing to do!" Didn't think so!

Anyway, today's list includes bedroom work:

1) Wash all the sheets in the house;
2) Dust all bedrooms;
3) Vacuum floors of all bedrooms;
4) Dust blinds in the bedrooms;
5) Drop off tax info to accountant;
6) Send out thank you card to friends.

I think that's enough for today 'cause you mamas know that I have to add this list to the normal daily stuff that I need to accomplish (dinner, dishes, laundry, wiping noses, . . .)!

What are you tackling today? To see more Tackle it Tuesday posts, go here


Karen said...

What? All that AND kids and a husband? That's a lot of tackling! ;) Good luck getting it all done!

The Apron Queen said...

Phew girl! I'm tired just from reading!

Stop by anytime. I'll get you a glass of iced tea & you can put your feet up.

Confession of an Apron Queen: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Quite an ambitious list... did you get it all done today?

Heart of Wisdom said...

Goodness Girl! I hope you get all this done.
Good Job!