Saturday, November 3, 2007

Happy Belated Halloween!

Well, we had a great time Trick or Treating with the neighborhood children. Here are a few pictures of my unhappy Ladybug and my happy Minnie Mouse . . .

Daddy, Minnie and Ladybug

For these next shot, I used the "Night Scene" setting on my digital camera --- well, as you can see . . . it didn't work out so well! I guess it blurred any bit of light that was interferring with the picture?!?!? *Note to self . . . must take a photography class or something!

Mommy and the cutest Minnie Mouse EVER!

Cutest Minnie Mouse EVER and the unhappy Ladybug!

Notice the red eye, people! That's not from my poor photography skills -- it's the side effects of the gynormous amount of candy she had consumed that night! Seriously!!!

And the Winner is . . .

Wow! My site meter has been going crazy this week! I had 108 comments or entries, shall I say, for the beautiful picture frame.

So, without further adue . . .

the winner is . . .

Katy-Anne at Aussie Mama 4 Jesus.

Congratulations Katy-Anne and thanks to all who entered!

I'll resume my regular bloggy programming shortly :-)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Y'all Bloggy Giveaway!


Well, it's finally here . . . the Fall Y'all Bloggy Giveaway. For those of you who are not bloggers, it's a blogging carnival. It's kind of like, we all set up our booth and then sign up at the info center so that they can direct people our way. Our info center and the place where you can find links to all participating blogs is here.

My giveaway . . . Well, I'm giving away this beautiful Home Trends Heirloom 5x7 picture frame. It's a beautiful shade ivory with a little antique/worn detail. I have two of the 8x10 frames in this style hanging in my bedroom. It adds such elegance.

So, if you want to throw your name in the hat, just leave me a comment saying anything you'd like! Contest ends on Friday, November 2nd at midnight. I will draw a winner with a random number generator on Saturday, November 3rd. ANYONE can enter - you don't have to have a blog. Please make sure that you do log in, though, with an email address or leave me one so that I can contact you if you win!

Good luck and thanks for stopping by, y'all!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Have You Been BOO'd?

I took the liberty of "BOO"ing my neighbors this week. What am I talking about? Well, it's this fun little game in which you leave a treat at your neighbor's door. There is this cute little poem and sign that you leave with the treat. It's supposed to be done anonymously. So, late last Thursday night, I ran over to my neighbor's house, put the treat by the door, rang the doorbell and RAN! Sounds easy enough, right? So, I moved on to the second neighbor's home. I knew this home would be harder to "BOO" because it's located on a corner lot, thus making it very hard to flee without being spotted. So, I crept up to the door, put the treat at the door and then OH.MY.GOODNESS I hear a car coming down the street. I peered around the corner and crouched down. It's the UPS guy pulling straight up in front of the house. Immediately I see him squinting and trying to see what I'm doing. So, I wait to see if he's actually dropping off a package at this house or the house next door. Oh, ok, he's headed towards the house next door. Hurry, quick, ring the doorbell and run. So, I did. I ran. I hid on the other side of their truck that just happened to be parked on the street. And as I'm crouched down by the truck, my neighbor, the "BOO"ee, came out onto her front lawn to try and spot the "BOO"er. And wouldn't you know it? Neighbor Peter and dog Monty just happened to be walking down the road at that time and spotted some lunatic crouched down beside the truck (yes, I mean me!) So, I try to wave him by as I whisper and say that I'm playing a game. Well, Neighbor Peter understood me perfectly, but Monty . . . OH.NO.SIREEE, he wasn't having any part of that. So, Neighbor Peter is practically dragging Monty away from me, all the while the "BOO"ee is looking in our direction wondering what in the heck is going on over there! Neighbor Peter, being the good sport he is, waved her off saying something about Monty had spotted a cat. So, after the "BOO"ee had retired back to the indoors, I thought it best to explain my fun little game to Neighbor Peter and then swear him to secrecy. Needless to say . . . Y'all, I am out of shape!!!! I got home and I was so winded! Seriously! And it serves me right I guess. 'Cause this is a child's game. And what is a thirty year old women doing running around the neighborhood after dark ringin' doorbells FOR.GOODNESS.SAKE!

I know Huney . . . you must be so proud! This is the kind of stuff that I do when I'm left without my husband's supervision!

Anyhooo . . .

Stay tuned . . . 'cause tomorrow starts . . .