Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Update on my Hubby . . .

Well, it's Wednesday morning and Hubby is feeling pretty good. He had a very restful night. He has not had any pain so far (Praise the Lord!). I've got him tied to the bed for the day or else he'd take this "not feeling any pain" as a free ticket to get out of bed and go mow the lawn. But his doctor's instructions clearly say to keep the leg elevated for the first 48 hours. So, that's what he'll be doing. I've got some movies for him and he has his computer -- so, hopefully his time in bed will not be too boring. Thanks for your prayers and please continue to pray for his full recovery.

1 comment:

At A Hen's Pace said...

Oh, so glad to hear he's doing well!

Good luck keeping him down...

