Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nursing my patience & patients!

Well, I bet you have been wondering where I've been (all two of you who read this blog!) No! What's that you say? Well, I know I don't post consistently but I'm trying to tell you why!

This week has left this momma tired! Both girls have been suffering from pink eye in both eyes. So, you know what that means . . . EYE DROPS! Any of you tried to put 2 drops per eye 4 times daily in the eyes of a 2 year old and a 1 year old? Well, let me just tell you, without bribery, IT'S.DARN.NEAR.IMPOSSIBLE. I've began bribing Maddy with her vitamins. Vitamins, you ask? Let me explain. Her vitamins are gummy vitamins. She loves gummy bears, so I bribe her with her vitamins if she'll get her drops done without a big 'ole scene. Hey -- a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Her Daddy actually bribed her with a cookie -- so there!

Anyway, it's now actually about two days later from when I actually started this post and the girls are doing sooooooooo much better. Lacy still has a runny nose, icky cough and a hint of pink eye. Maddy is back to her old self with the exception of the icky cough. And Momma . . . well, I'm hanging in there. Got a little sore throat myself but nothing to really complain about.

My wonderful in-laws are entertaining my girls at their house this morning so that I can pack and clean. Yes, I said pack. Can you believe that two months have passed already and it's time for me to head home! My plans were to leave tomorrow with my best girlfriend who lives here. She's going to drive back with me and the girls and then stay for a week and fly back home. However, apparently, no one notified the weather of this, so looks like I probably won't be able to leave tomorrow as most of the first half of the trip would involve driving in icy conditions. Now, I've learned to drive in snow --- but ice -- that's a whole 'nother story! Uh huh, no m'am, NOT.GONNA.DO.IT with my sweet little babies in the car.

So, I'd be so grateful if you all would keep us in your prayers as we'll be making the long drive home in the next day or two.

Oh and FYI - Just assume that my spell check is NEVER.GONNA.WORK.AGAIN.DARN.IT.


1 comment:

Anna K. said...

Who hasn't used a bribe or three when they're faces with medicating a child! Ha! Glad things are looking up for you all.