Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Two sick girls = one exhausted Mama!

Well, both girls are sick. Let me just run down the list of things I've accomplished today -- let me warn you, my list is not for the faint at heart or those with a weak stomach.

1) I've sucked so much snot out of Maddy's nose I could fill an 8 oz jar. Eeww!
2) Baby Lulu is teething - getting molars to be exact --- I won't even tell you how many poopy diapers I've changed. I got in the shower tonight and scrubbed my skin raw!
3) I've repeated "drink your juice" more times than I'll hear Merry Christmas this holiday season.
4) I held one baby, then the next, oh and then back to the other who made the other one jealous and ended up with all 3 of us in the rocking chair . . . rocking and rocking and more rocking. Did I mention that rocking makes me nauseous!
5) Oh and did I mention that I've been blowing my own nose too? Yep, I'm sick.

Two sick babies + one sick Mama - Daddy = One exhausted, sick Mama!

1 comment:

Megan Cobb said...

Oh no! I hope y'all are all three better tomorrow! And I hope you'll get a little extra TLC when Daddy gets home!