Monday, March 31, 2008

What I've been up to

Well, I've never fancied myself as a "Susie Homemaker" type. In fact, I'd describe myself as the farthest women from that. But, since becoming a stay-at-home-mom, I've had the urge to delve into things that never interested me before. So, while I was in Ohio, with a mother-in-law who is practically an expert at sewing, I knew I needed to take the opportunity to learn a few "skillz"!

So, I picked up two patterns, borrowed one sewing machine and dove right into sewing. And with the much needed help from my mother-in-law, this is the end result:

Isn't she the cutest thing EVER! And I just love this little outfit on her. What's that you ask? Yep! I even made the little ruffles. "Everything from the scratch," as Hubby would say!

So, after I conquered that, I knew Baby Lulu also needed an outfit. And this is what I came up with:

And this little outfit is a little too big for Baby Lulu right now. But I can just picture her wearing it this summer.

After these two outfits, I got to thinking and wanted to make some other little things for Maddy and Baby Lulu. And, I began to wonder, how can I simplify the process and this is what I came up with:

And here's a closer look:

I bought this little knit outfit for $5. And it definitely needed something. So, I found this ribbon and decided to trim the top and bottom with it. Cute, huh? And easy peasy!

So, anyone have any sewing tips, tricks or projects you'd like to share. I know my sis-in-law in Kansas is a sewing genius also -- maybe she'll take this opportunity to comment publicly (hee! hee!)